Want to stand out in a crowded cigar market or establish a strong brand identity? Design unique custom cigar boxes.
Initially, cigar boxes were used as a packaging option to keep cigars fresh and unbroken throughout shipment. However, in today’s market, when buyers have so many alternatives, every tobacco brand requires distinctive packaging.
In this case, a custom cigar boxes wholesale with inventive design patterns and attention to detail functions admirably by giving the target demographic precisely what they want. So, attempt to improve your customers’ smoking experiences by providing an outstanding unboxing experience and high-end quality.
Here is a detailed guide to custom cigar boxes.
What are custom cigar boxes?
Custom cigar boxes do more than only preserve cigars from damage and environmental factors. They provide a whole experience by presenting frail cigars as a high-end product and engaging with customers.
Initially, the cigar packaging design provides buyers with an initial image of what they will receive. It is because the packaging has become an integral component of the product’s attractiveness and adds to a pleasant smoking experience.
For example, a clever package design elevates the whole product and immediately draws attention.
Because cigars have become a luxury trademark, people value cigar boxes as rare items.So, if your cigar packaging is of high quality and well-designed, your boxes will remain in homes and remind people of your brand.
So, whether you want to target the luxurious appearance or traditional smoking experience of cigars, you should prioritize a properly crafted cigar box design.
Standout Cigar Design Elements That Impress
Initially, cigar packaging was just a box to cover and keep cigars intact throughout delivery. As the number of participants in the smoking industry grows, the tendency to stand out becomes stronger. Nowadays, it is critical to display cigars in a distinctive style in order to attract more customers and establish brand identification.
In this case, cigar box design is critical for improving the product presentation and making an impression on customers. The following are some significant design aspects to consider while creating personalized cigar packaging.
Color Theory & Palette
A well-chosen color palette reflects the brand’s personality and allows customers to connect with your journey. So, select just the colors that complement your business statement and look excellent.
For example, if you want to highlight the luxurious appearance of cigars or exhibit high-end smokes, utilize colorful or striking color combinations to stand out. Similarly, if you want to appeal to the legacy or tradition of smoking, use subtle or traditional cues to stand out. The reality is that colors communicate everything about your goods. Bold colors give your goods a luxury impression, whilst earthy tones make them appear tidy and eco-friendly.
Typography & Fonts
Typography is a method of presenting your words on custom cigar boxes that influences the entire packaging design. To impress their target demographic, brands that stress the timeless tradition of smoking select serif fonts with little tails, such as Garamond or Times New Roman.
If your business focuses on the contemporary design of cigars, you should choose sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica to get a clean, classic look. Overall, a wonderful combination of font style, size, and location is the outcome of experiments you should conduct to achieve a balanced appearance.
Graphics and Textures
Colors, patterns, pictures, and textures offer dimension to unique cigar packaging boxes designs. To interest consumers, consider using drawings of old cigar leaves, tobacco plants, or famous brand icons for a traditional appeal.
Similarly, textures add a sensory component to your design. Choose from opulent, minimalistic, or eco-friendly texture options to fit the overall design appearance.
Material Selection
A strong or sturdy cigar box material not only protects vulnerable cigars but also improves the overall customer experience. Materials such as sturdy boxes or cardboard give your items a smooth, premium feel. These materials may also be customized into any form or style you choose.
Logo Placement
Logos and taglines are crucial branding components to consider when making custom cigar boxes. Similarly, the positioning of the logo is important since it creates a distinction. Placing your logo on the top of a box is a safe decision because it immediately draws attention. Other possibilities, such as off-center or corner placement, are also suitable for a modern aesthetic.
Adjusting the logo’s size is also vital since it should be visible but not so large that it creates an overwhelming impression. You may also experiment with putting logos on multiple sides for optimum exposure and discover what works for you.
After all, cigar packaging designs should speak with consumers and connect with the brand’s journey in order to have an impact.
Custom cigar boxes are the best packaging option for your brand. In this article, we cover the whole detail of cigar boxes. Try to follow the guide mentioned above to stand out in the cigar packaging market. Thank you!